środa, 5 czerwca 2013


We invite you to cooperation in our research. Research of the project is in the center of current scientific main stream works with high importance and relevance of the results. Minton (1999) documents relation of higher cash flow volatility and lower average levels of investment in capital expenditures, what is also a key problem in proposed research. Level of healthcare institution financial liquidity levels results with healthcare institution investment ability (Minton 1999). Schoubben (2012) results are confirmation that topic about liquidity holdings is relevant in context of its relationship with social value generated  by healthcare institution to local community (compare: Ferreira 2004, Bates 2009, Morellec 2008, Gaspar 2006). Problem of liquidity overinvestment or underinvestment change competitive risk results and influence liquidity holdings of healthcare institution for hedging purposes (Opler 1999,  Mikkelson 2003, Fresard 2010, Haushalter 2007, Morellec 2008). Healthcare institutions should understand influence liquid assets on risk and social value generated for community they serve and relationship between healthcare institution liquid assets balances and predation risk within an specific operating business (i.e. healthcare services to community increasing the community ability to realization of community social aims).



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Fédéral de Lausanne.

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